Ryan & Catherine Miller

Ryan & Catherine Miller

Finance Director

Resource Office

Ryan & Catherine Miller


Finance Director
Resource Office

Bio & Testimony

Ryan grew up in a Christian home and, to the best of his knowledge, was saved by God's sovereign grace at the age of 6.  During Ryan's time at Presbyterian College, he gradually became associated with Campus Outreach, including attending multiple New Year's Conferences and a couple of summer Leadership Projects.  During that time, Ryan began  to learn what it meant to truly seek after the Lord daily and to make him the centerpiece of his life, rather than a mere portion.  After a myriad of post-college events (including marriage!), Ryan and Catherine joyfully decided to accept the offer to come on staff with Campus Outreach and see what the Lord might have in store for them!


Human Resources
Resource Office

Bio & Testimony

God graciously pursued Catherine in college at the University of South Carolina through the ministry of the local church and many faithful and patient friends. She grew up on the foundation of a believing family and in the context of the church; still, God showed her the many areas in her life that she had yet to surrender to His good authority. With shared passions for discipleship, biblical literacy, and the expansion of the Kingdom of God on the college campus and beyond, she and her husband, Ryan (married in May 2019) are excited to be a part of Campus Outreach staff in Columbia, Catherine’s home town.

Bio & Testimony

Ryan grew up in a Christian home and, to the best of his knowledge, was saved by God's sovereign grace at the age of 6.  During Ryan's time at Presbyterian College, he gradually became associated with Campus Outreach, including attending multiple New Year's Conferences and a couple of summer Leadership Projects.  During that time, Ryan began  to learn what it meant to truly seek after the Lord daily and to make him the centerpiece of his life, rather than a mere portion.  After a myriad of post-college events (including marriage!), Ryan and Catherine joyfully decided to accept the offer to come on staff with Campus Outreach and see what the Lord might have in store for them!

Bio & Testimony

God graciously pursued Catherine in college at the University of South Carolina through the ministry of the local church and many faithful and patient friends. She grew up on the foundation of a believing family and in the context of the church; still, God showed her the many areas in her life that she had yet to surrender to His good authority. With shared passions for discipleship, biblical literacy, and the expansion of the Kingdom of God on the college campus and beyond, she and her husband, Ryan (married in May 2019) are excited to be a part of Campus Outreach staff in Columbia, Catherine’s home town.

Ryan & Catherine Miller

Campus budgets helps fund:

  • Bible study materials and food to start up evangelistic Bible studies on the campus each semester
  • Materials and snacks for weekly meetings as well as other events on campus for the year, so that more students might encounter Christ!
  • Training and team-building for campus staff team once a year, so that they might be more effective in ministering to students.

Give to Ryan & Catherine Miller

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Steps to start giving by check:

  1. Write a check to "Campus Outreach Columbia."
  2. Under memo, write "Ryan & Catherine Miller".
  3. Mail all checks to
  4. Campus Outreach Columbia
    701 Gervais St.
    Suite 150-200
    Columbia, SC 29201

If this is your first time giving by check, please fill out the form below so that we have your contact information in our system.

Thank you for your contribution! Campus Outreach Columbia is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (EIN 84-3091034). According to IRS regulations, tax deductible gifts are solicited with my understanding that Campus Outreach Columbia has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds, and that the use of donated funds is restricted to board approved activities. Please consider using my contribution to support the program, project, or the service of the staff member listed above.

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