The Mission of Campus Outreach
“Glorifying God by Building Laborers on the Campus for the World.”
We seek to follow Jesus’ model of loving everyone while investing deeply in a few in order to see His name go to everyone. This discipleship takes place through life-on-life relationships, as college men and women come to know Christ and then mature in their relationship with Him. Our desire is for our graduates to labor for a lifetime within local churches throughout the world.
1 - Glorifying God
The ultimate purpose of all creation is to bring attention to God and to glorify Him. Campus Outreach exists so that He may receive continual praise, honor and glory from us as we find our joy in Him.
2 - By Building Laborers
Building laborers takes many resources, but the returns on this investment are immeasurable. Our prayer is that students would catch a vision for spending their lives on something bigger than themselves. We hope students would spend their lives working with God to further His name in the world.
3 - On the College Campus
The college campus is a strategic mission field. There are millions of college students that are at the crossroads of making lifetime decisions and moving out to influence the world. This is an ideal time to come alongside them as they discover who they want to worship and how they want to spend their lives.
4 - For the World
The purpose of Campus Outreach Columbia is to send out from our ministry individuals and teams that are passionate about Jesus and His mission in the world. Our desire is that trained graduates would provide leadership in every sphere of influence at home and around the world (the church, medicine, community, business, education, missions, etc.).
OUR Hub Church
Columbia Presbyterian Church
Campus Outreach is a ministry of local churches in the United States and throughout the world.
Campus Outreach Columbia is under the authority of Columbia Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC while having an inter-denominational profile on our campuses. This authority expresses itself through a board of directors which gives oversight, accountability and leadership to the ministry.
The vision of Campus Outreach is to bless and benefit churches around the world and advance Christ's mission in the world.